Tuesday, June 21, 2011

World is virtual, Art is real

I was going to attend Metameets conference and they mentioned that Ma Machinima Internation Festival is taking place at the same dates. "What is "machinima"?" I thought. And decided to see it myself.

Machinima - is filmmaking within a real-time, 3D virtual environment, often using 3D video games technologies. MMIF - is a festival of such kind of films.
I was really surprised how cool they could be. This machinimas are not available at YouTube yet, but Chantal Harvey (Dutch filmmaker, festival organizer and inspirer)  promised that we can watch films soon.

Another interesting project is Login2Life - documentary about virtual worlds as a way for some people to live full life that they cannot have in reality, about other lifestyles and limitation people can avoid. Looking forward to complete film in production.

The Jewell Theatre performs full length plays in Second Life. Musicians, photographers, painters, architects, designers - all can find their way in different virtual worlds.

A mix of real and virtual, augmented reality worth a lot, and that is only beginning.
The Witness movie:

Virtual, digital arts are very promising. Hope to see more and more surprising works in future.

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